
135th Canton Fair Showcases Leading Medical Devices, Elevating Global Health Management


GUANGZHOU, China, May 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- In a significant move to meet the growing demand for health management solutions, the 135th China Import and Export Fair ("Canton Fair" or "the Fair") has brought together top-tier companies from the Medicines, Health Products and Medical Devices sector. This aims to present more reliable medical equipment options to global business people, setting new standards in health care.

At the forefront of innovation is Shanghai Rongtai Health Technology Corporation Limited, renowned for its focus on massage devices and wellness technology solutions. With over 900 patents spanning inventions, utility models, and design patents under its belt, Rongtai showcased its RT8800max Riding Massage Chair at the fair. Designed specifically for individuals with busy lifestyles lacking physical activity, this product combines cycling with massage. It offers professional massage modes, alongside a cycling simulation program and eight sets of ROVO dual-leg independent movement programs. This combination not only allows users to enjoy a relaxing massage, but also engages core muscles that are hard to reach through conventional exercise methods. More information can be found at https://goo.su/t275.

Contec Medical Systems Co., Ltd., another industry leader based in Qinhuangdao, is one of China's largest bases for developing and manufacturing medical instruments. Contec's dedication to smart healthcare has led to innovations like the HMS7500 Multi-parameter Vital Signs Monitor, a portable device for elderly community users and general practitioners. By integrating measurements into an electrophysiological network system developed by Contec itself, data can be uploaded to cloud-based health platforms, providing valuable support for clinical decisions. Please visit https://goo.su/6CzpAhk for more details.

Zhejiang Medicines & Health Products Import & Export Co., Ltd., an established player in the industry with a comprehensive international trade supply chain covering pharmaceuticals and medical devices in over 100 countries, has also made its mark at the fair by introducing standout products such as massage beds and electric wheelchairs designed with user convenience in mind. The massage bed comes with three preset modes designed to simulate massages by human hands and includes specially designed airbag pillows for leg massages. The electric wheelchair features easy operation, convenience, and a long battery life. Users only need to gently turn the joystick to move the wheelchair forward, and a single charge can last for 30 kilometers. Additionally, this product also incorporates an electronic brake design, stopping as soon as the user lets go, ensuring safety even on slopes and rough terrains. Click to learn more https://goo.su/9cmYpy.

Please register at https://invitation.cantonfair.org.cn/BuyerUser/RegisterUser?MediaType=16 for more information about diverse health care solutions.

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