
Pepsodent enters Malaysia Book of Records for "Most Number of Students Brushing Teeth Simultaneously" with a total of over 6,000 students participating


KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, April 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Pepsodent, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health (MOH) and supported by the Ministry of Education (MOE) driven by Unilever International Malaysia, has achieved a remarkable milestone by setting a new Malaysia Book of Record for the "Most Number of Students Brushing Teeth Simultaneously." The historic event took place on April 17, 2024, with over 6000 students at SK Rantau Panjang, SK Sungai Binjai, and SK Jalan Kebun underscoring Pepsodent's unwavering commitment to promoting proper oral hygiene habits among the youth.

Looi Kah Hong - Marketing lead of Pepsodent (fifth from left) receiving the Malaysia Book of Records certificate of "Most Number of Students Brushing Teeth Simultaneously"
Looi Kah Hong - Marketing lead of Pepsodent (fifth from left) receiving the Malaysia Book of Records certificate of "Most Number of Students Brushing Teeth Simultaneously"

This monumental achievement for Pepsodent, is part of their on-going commitment to educate and emphasise the importance of dental health education among Malaysians which kick started in 2023 with the launch of the Pepsodent 2-2-10 campaign, designed to ensure optimal dental health involves a fundamental yet frequently overlooked practice: brushing teeth for 2 minutes, 2 times a day. According to the National Oral Health Survey of Malaysia 20221, the prevalence of dental cavities and caries remain high among both children and adults, despite efforts over the years to drive dental health awareness. By extending their efforts to schools, Pepsodent hopes to continuously raise awareness about the significance of regular and proper methods of toothbrushing as well as maintaining good oral hygiene practices from a young age.

"As a trusted halal toothpaste, Pepsodent hopes to give all Malaysians access to basic oral health and a proper cleaning routine. As we continue to drive this message across to more Malaysians, we are thrilled to have the Ministry of Education (MOE) to help us educate more young Malaysians on how to make brushing a fun and regular part of their daily routine. Today's record-breaking initiative is just the beginning of our nationwide campaign and we look forward to spearheading the conversation on proper basic oral hygiene." said Looi Kah Hong, Marketing Lead of Unilever International Malaysia.

Looi also said, "Pepsodent also wish to reiterate our #TalkToADentist tagline as we aim to eliminate the fear and stigma of visiting the dentist. Dental checkups should not be a challenge but as key facilitators in creating strong oral health for consumers."

Playing an integral part in driving oral hygiene education among schools is the Ministry of Education Malaysia who were present to officiate Pepsodent's Malaysia Book of Records attempt.

"We are delighted to support Pepsodent in their efforts to promote oral health awareness among schoolchildren. By learning good dental hygiene habits early, children are more likely to carry these practices into adulthood, setting them up for a lifetime of good oral health," said Tuan Haji Azuan bin Nawawi, Deputy Director - General of Education (Education Operation Sector), Ministry of Education Selangor

Following Pepsodent's Malaysia Book of Records achievement, the brand aims to extend its impact by reaching out to 46,000 students across 25 schools throughout the Klang Valley. The overarching goal is to champion the messaging of good dental health and proper tooth brushing methods, further solidifying Pepsodent's commitment to fostering a culture of oral hygiene awareness.

Pepsodent is a family-trusted, halal-certifed toothpaste that is suitable for all ages. It contains Active Micro Calcium and Pro-Fluoride Complex to repair tiny and invisible holes that form cavities by creating a protective layer to achieve 10 times stronger teeth. Pepsodent toothpaste is available at all major supermarkets and hypermarkets.

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