
NEXCOM Offers Advanced Cybersecurity Solutions for AI-Powered Defense


TAIPEI, April 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- NEXCOM, a leading supplier of network solutions, released benchmark results comparing some popular applications against emerging cybersecurity threats. This study explores the performance metrics of NEXCOM's NSA 7160R servers, evaluating various hardware configurations within the same system to address cybersecurity challenges. The paper reveals test results for two AI models - MalConv and Bert-base-cased - and emphasizes the significance of latency and throughput for AI cybersecurity, assisting cybersecurity professionals and IT leaders in making informed decisions to strengthen their defenses against evolving cyber threats.

NEXCOM, a leading supplier of network solutions, released benchmark results comparing some popular applications against emerging cybersecurity threats. Download the full paper today to unlock the transformative potential of NEXCOM』s NSA 7160R servers for AI applications in cybersecurity and embark on the journey towards a more secure digital landscape.
NEXCOM, a leading supplier of network solutions, released benchmark results comparing some popular applications against emerging cybersecurity threats. Download the full paper today to unlock the transformative potential of NEXCOM』s NSA 7160R servers for AI applications in cybersecurity and embark on the journey towards a more secure digital landscape.

As test results prove, NEXCOM's NSA 7160R can detect polymorphic and previously unseen malware variants with unparalleled accuracy, highlighting its impeccable defense advanced cyber threats. Furthermore, the NSA 7160R verified to analyze text data and swiftly identify security threats, enhancing overall operational efficiency in cybersecurity operations. With real-time threat detection capabilities and optimized response strategies, the NSA 7160R enables seamless upgrade to AI-driven cybersecurity measures.

"NEXCOM is embracing AI-driven solutions, particularly for cybersecurity applications," says Allan Chiu, VP of Network & Communication Solutions. "With NSA 7160R, our newest scalable solution, we prioritize flexibility by offering customizable configurations to meet specific needs. Our goal is to streamline decision-making for customers, and this paper serves as a valuable resource to showcase the potential of the advanced AI solutions as performed by our network appliance NSA 7160R."

Download the full paper today to unlock the transformative potential of NEXCOM's NSA 7160R servers for AI applications in cybersecurity and embark on the journey towards a more secure digital landscape.


Founded in 1992 and headquartered in Taipei, Taiwan, NEXCOM integrates its diverse capabilities and operates six global businesses, including the Network and Communication Solutions (NCS) unit. NCS focuses on the latest network technology and helps to build reliable network infrastructure, by delivering professional design and manufacturing services for customers all over the world. NCS's network application platform is widely adopted in Cyber Security, Load Balancing, 5G uCPE, SD-WAN, SASE, Edge Computing, OT Security, Storage, NVR, and other network applications for businesses of all sizes.

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