
Gates Foundation to Establish Regional HQ in Mohammed bin Salman Non-Profit City as Part of MOU with Misk Foundation


RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, April 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The Mohammed Bin Salman Foundation "Misk" has entered into a framework agreement with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to support and enhance youth engagement in the non-profit sector within the Kingdom, and to initiate joint global programs in the focus areas of both foundations. The strategic partnership was unveiled on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum Special Meeting in Riyadh, where it was also revealed that the Gates Foundation will establish its first regional headquarters within Mohammed Bin Salman Nonprofit City, 'Misk City', in Riyadh.

The agreement, signed on behalf of Misk by CEO Dr. Badr Al Badr, and for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation by Mr. Joe Cerrell, Managing Director, Europe, Middle East, and East Asia, sets forth a collaborative framework designed to empower the Saudi youth community and foster an environment conducive to impactful global outcomes. The partnership will enhance the sharing of resources, training opportunities, and program development, substantially boosting Misk's capacity to provide significant empowerment opportunities for youth. "To support the implementation of the programs announced today, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will establish its first office in the region within Mohammed Bin Salman Nonprofit City. We are committed to partnering with the Misk Foundation to enhance youth engagement and the effectiveness of the third sector," announced Mr. Joe Cerrell, Managing Director, Europe, Middle East, and East Asia at the Gates Foundation during WEF.

The agreement will enable Misk to benefit from the Gates Foundation's expertise in education, technology, and health sectors to amplify its pivotal role in providing high-caliber empowerment opportunities for the Kingdom's youth in the non-profit sector. Additionally, the agreement will allow the Gates Foundation to expand its geographic footprint and leverage Misk's expertise in the non-profit and youth empowerment sectors, along with the advanced infrastructure and exceptional service network of Mohammed Bin Salman Non-Profit City.

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