
David Sweetnam of Keypoint Intelligence Named a Difference Maker by ENX Magazine


FAIRFIELD, N.J., April 29, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- David Sweetnam, Director of Lab EU & Asia for Keypoint Intelligence, has been recognized as a Difference Maker by ENX Magazine, an honour given to individuals who have significantly influenced the imaging industry. This prestigious acknowledgment comes as no surprise to those familiar with Sweetnam's contributions over the past seventeen years.

Since joining Keypoint Intelligence in 2007, Sweetnam has played a pivotal role in transforming the company's operations from a primarily US-based entity into a global powerhouse. He was instrumental in the establishment and success of a European lab, broadening the firm's testing programs to encompass wide format and production technologies, as well as spearheading the new Direct to Garment (DTG) testing initiatives. His innate ability to listen to and understand a client's challenges and apply his deep industry expertise has resulted in numerous product improvements and assisted many OEMs with strategic market entry approaches.

Colleague Pete Emory, who nominated Sweetnam, shared, "Working alongside David for nearly two decades has been both enlightening and enjoyable. His exceptional analytical capabilities and comprehensive industry knowledge have been vital in our efforts to adapt and expand our business model to meet the dynamic demands of the industry."

"I am deeply honoured to receive the ENX Difference Maker award," said David Sweetnam, Director of Lab EU & Asia at Keypoint Intelligence. "Being recognized alongside such esteemed honorees is truly special," said David. "Many thanks to Erik Cagle and the team at ENX Magazine, my colleagues at Keypoint Intelligence who make Keypoint Intelligence a great place to work, and of course, those who nominated me."

For a complete list of the 2024 ENX Magazine Different Makers click here.

About Keypoint Intelligence:

For 60 years, clients in the digital imaging industry have relied on Keypoint Intelligence for independent hands-on testing, lab data, and extensive market research to drive their product and sales success. Keypoint Intelligence has been recognized as the industry's most trusted resource for unbiased information, analysis, and awards due to decades of analyst experience.

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