
Envision Energy Ranked by BloombergNEF as Tier 1 Global Energy Storage Manufacturer


SHANGHAI, April 29, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) has recognized Envision Energy as a Tier 1 global energy storage manufacturer in Q2 2024, placing the firm in select company among the top energy storage firms in the world.

BNEF is a leader in global renewable energy research, and the BNEF Energy Storage Tier 1 list is widely recognized within the industry as the authoritative ranking of energy storage manufacturers. Designed to create a transparent differentiation between the hundreds of stationary energy storage manufacturers on the market, it is based on bankability as defined by the previous two years' deployment. The inclusion of Envision Energy as a Tier 1 manufacturer underscores the company's excellence in the global energy landscape and its sterling reputation in the field of energy storage solutions.

Envision Energy stands out as a premier provider of cutting-edge energy storage products renowned for their superior battery quality, intelligent design, and the ease and speed of their deployment. With full-stack technical capabilities and a commitment to in-house research and manufacturing across battery, PCS, BMS, EMS, and SCADA systems, Envision Energy boasts expertise in everything from the factory floor and energy storage power stations to full life-cycle asset management and service capabilities. By embracing the notion that the essence of energy storage lies in trading, Envision Energy has developed innovative solutions that integrate intelligent trading terminals with customizable AI strategies. This fusion empowers energy storage power stations to actively engage in electricity spot market trading, unlocking greater value within the energy sector.

As of late 2023, Envision Energy has grown its footprint across the globe with over 200 projects that are collectively delivering more than 10GWh of energy storage capacity. The company also has an impressive backlog of orders surpassing 15GWh. In the future, Envision Energy will expand its global impact to deliver top-tier energy storage projects for clients across Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Southeast Asia, playing a pivotal role in leveraging cutting-edge green technology innovations to champion new energy and lead the global transition toward a net zero future.

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