
FranklinWH and MMEM Greentech Announce Strategic Partnership to Revolutionize Home Energy Management


FranklinWH now is available from MMEM Greentech, the largest wholesaler network of solar and renewable energy specialists in Australia

SYDNEY, April 29, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- FranklinWH Energy Storage Inc. (FranklinWH), a leader in whole-home energy management, has joined forces with Greentech, a division of MM Electrical Merchandising (MMEM) and a prominent player in the Australian renewable energy sector, in a strategic partnership aimed at revolutionizing the way households manage and utilize energy.

FranklinWH and MMEM Greentech Partnership
FranklinWH and MMEM Greentech Partnership

The collaboration between FranklinWH and Greentech marks a significant milestone in the Australian renewable energy landscape. Combining FranklinWH's cutting-edge technology and expertise in home energy management with Greentech's extensive network and market presence, the partnership is poised to deliver innovative solutions that empower homeowners to optimize their energy consumption and reduce their carbon footprint.

"We are thrilled to announce our partnership with MMEM Greentech," said Steve Ruskin, Deputy GM of FranklinWH Australia. "This collaboration represents a strategic alignment of our shared vision to drive the adoption of sustainable energy solutions and empower homeowners in gaining energy freedom. Together, we will leverage our respective strengths to deliver unparalleled value to consumers in Australia and beyond."

FranklinWH's whole home energy management and storage system is renowned for its reliability, innovation, and user-friendly interfaces. It enables homeowners to seamlessly integrate multiple energy sources, such as solar power, grid, battery storage, and generator, and intelligently manage their energy production and consumption through advanced monitoring and control features on the FranklinWH smartphone app.

"We are excited to partner with FranklinWH to bring their innovative home energy management solution to the Australian market," stated Sam Page, General Manager of Supplier Relations at MMEM, commenting on the partnership. "As the market increasingly seeks sustainable and reliable energy solutions, our collaboration will empower homeowners to manage their energy usage efficiently, cut energy bills, and pave the way for a cleaner, greener future."

To learn more about how FranklinWH is revolutionizing energy management solutions for homeowners and empowering whole-home energy freedom, visit www.franklinwh.com.

About FranklinWH

FranklinWH is a research-driven company focused on next-generation residential energy management and storage solutions. Headquartered in the San Francisco Bay Area, US, FranklinWH's team has decades of experience in energy systems, from design, through manufacturing, to sales and installation. Learn more about how homeowners can achieve energy independence at franklinwh.com.

About MMEM Greentech

MMEM is Australia's largest trade wholesaler network of electrical specialists. Their accredited stores offer a comprehensive range of top-tier products, providing a true "one-stop shop" for installers. Greentech, a division of MMEM is a collective of renewable energy specialists with a focus on PV installers. Greentech's accredited outlets stock the world's leading brands of photovoltaic panels, inverters, mounting systems, and balance of systems. To learn more, visit https://greentech.mmem.com.au/.

Media Contact: media@franklinwh.com

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