
HSG Laser: Pioneering 3D Five-Axis Laser Cutting Technology


CHENNAI, India, April 28, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- In the realm of laser cutting, HSG Laser has shattered the stereotype that cutting is limited to flat surfaces, by redefining the possibilities. With advancements in 3D five-axis technology, HSG achieved the transformative leap for stereo cutting. Over the past years, HSG 3D five-axis laser cutting machines have gained widespread recognition and popularity in the automotive thermoforming market, witnessing the unwavering dedication of HSG to pushing the boundaries of laser cutting technology.

A 3D five-axis laser cutting machine encompasses three core technological units: the CNC system, the laser source, and the 3D five-axis cutting head. With the integration of innovation, HSG has adopted a unique approach to tackle these core technological challenges, combining independent research and development with strategic collaborations.

LA5 3D Intelligent Cutting Head

HSG's Japan R&D Center spearheaded the development of the LA5 3D intelligent cutting head. Featuring N*360° infinite rotation and ±135° oscillation, the LA5 maintains impeccable optical stability, enabling 3D five-axis cutting.

Five-Axis CNC System

Recognizing the importance of a robust CNC system, HSG partnered with renowned CNC manufacturer FANUC to develop the HSG 3D five-axis CNC system. This collaboration resulted in a system equipped with high-speed smooth TCP, significantly enhancing the cutting quality of curved surface parts.

High-Gantry Bed Structure

HSG's commitment to independent R&D extended to the development of the high-gantry bed structure. This robust structure boasts exceptional strength, precision, stability, and dynamic performance, enabling high-speed, high-precision 3D cutting.

HSG's unwavering dedication to innovation culminated in the launch of the revolutionary Cell series 3D five-axis laser cutting machine. This groundbreaking machine marked a significant milestone in HSG's journey, establishing the company as a pioneer in 3D five-axis laser cutting technology. Nowadays, HSG 3D five-axis laser cutting machines have been instrumental in empowering leading automotive thermoforming manufacturers. These machines have played a pivotal role in reducing production costs, enhancing efficiency, and accelerating the development of the vehicle industry.

About HSG Laser

Started in 2006, HSG Laser is a high-tech enterprise specializing in the research & development, production, and sales of intelligent metal shaping equipment. HSG Laser adheres to a customer-centric approach driven by quality and service, and it is continuously expanding its global footprint, with a presence in more than 100 countries and regions worldwide.

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