
Chatime wins the Best Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative Award at the QSR Media Asia Tabsquare Awards 2024


HSINCHU, April 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Chatime, a global leading bubble tea and innovative beverage brand, has won the Best Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative Award at the QSR Media Asia Tabsquare Awards 2024 today. La Kaffa International, Chatime's mother company, was also awarded the Special Recognition Award.

(Left to Right)Henry Wang, Chairman of La Kaffa International & Teresa Wang, Co-Founder of Chatime
(Left to Right)Henry Wang, Chairman of La Kaffa International & Teresa Wang, Co-Founder of Chatime

"We are honored to be recognized for our dedication to social responsibility, and this award serves as a testament to our collective efforts in enriching communities and fostering positive change. We are immensely proud of this achievement and remain steadfast in our commitment to continue inspiring meaningful and sustainable initiatives for the betterment of society and the environment", said Teresa Wang, Co-Founder of Chatime.

Chatime's Global Corporate Social Responsibility Program, CommuniTea, leverages the power of bubble tea to drive social change and serve as the voice of Chatime's global community. Through The Hope Project event, Chatime partnered with organizations such as EAP (Early Autism Project) in Malaysia, the Autism Society of Taiwan, and the Taiwan Autism Family Care Association to raise awareness of autism and provide job opportunities for young people with autism in 2023.

This award serves as a source of inspiration and motivation for Chatime to continue innovating, collaborating, and leading by example in the industry and beyond. Chatime extends its heartfelt gratitude to its customers, partners, and stakeholders for their support and collaboration in embracing the brand's social responsibility initiatives.

Meanwhile, for over two decades, La Kaffa International has successfully operated more than 10 F&B brands with a business presence in 63 countries. La Kaffa's commitment to product innovation and safety is evident in its acquisition of one of the largest pearl factories in Asia, ensuring ingredient quality, sustainable, and stable supply chains supporting its global stores.

As the journey of excellence continues, La Kaffa International remains dedicated to pioneering innovation, quality control, supply chain integration, store development, and meaningful impact beyond business success. For more information about Chatime and its social responsibility initiatives, please visit: https://www.chatime.com.tw/en/

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