
Booming the Business in HoReCa: HOTELEX 2024 Concludes with Resounding Success.


SHANGHAI, April 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- HOTELEX has over 31 years history and experience of organizing exhibition in HoReCa industry. As one of the world's largest hospitality equipment and foodservice exhibitions, HOTELEX is based on commercial formats such as Hotel Catering, F&B, Coffee, Baking, Bars etc., providing a high-quality "procurement hall". It is an important one-stop platform for the hospitality industry to integrate international consulting, products, and promote the development of global catering industry.

The 32nd Shanghai International Hospitality Equipment & Foodservice Expo known as HOTELEX Shanghai 2024, part of Tourism Plus Shanghai 2024, recently concluded in Shanghai on 30th March with significant achievements and commendations from industry participants. This event attracted over 420,000 attendees, including a record of 15,761 international visitors, an astonishing 80% increase from last year! This not only demonstrates the expo's global influence but also reflects the booming development and worldwide interest in the hotel and catering industry.

Spanning an exhibition area of 400,000 square meters which is 14 exhibition halls with more than 3,000 leading brands and companies. HOTELEX Shanghai 2024 set a new record by attracting over 100,000 visitors on its opening day. The bustling atmosphere at the venue revealed the industry's vibrant ecosystem and its potential for future growth.

HOTELEX has become a benchmark for the industry, highlighting trends in innovation and upgrading. The expo covered the entire hospitality and catering chain, attracted professionals from around the world for exchange and collaboration. Besides fostering B2B professional exchanges, this year's event also expanded its focus to include consumer markets, holding various activities like the Shanghai Coffee and Food Festival, which drew a lot of crowds, offering market-style experiences that enhanced the public's appreciation of gourmet culture and subtly shifted consumer habits.

Moreover, the expo hosted 11 professional competitions in the industry, from coffee to baking, from cooking to cocktail mixing, showcasing the skills and innovative spirit of industry talents, offering the audience a spectacular feast for both the eyes and the palate.

With the 2024 expo wrapped up, our anticipation has already building for HOTELEX Shanghai 2025. It will continue to provide a platform for industry exchange and explore the future development direction of catering. Let's move forward together and create a bright future for the industry!

Don't miss out HOTELEX Shanghai 2025 on 30th March to 2nd April at NECC (Shanghai) !

For Booth Inquiry: Alex.Ni@imsinoexpo.com

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