
Kind Pharmaceuticals Announces Settlement


HANGZHOU, China, April 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, Hangzhou Andao Pharmaceutical Ltd. and Kind Pharmaceuticals LLC ("Kind Pharmaceuticals"), together with its Chief Executive Officer Dr. Dong Liu and Chief Scientific Officer Dr. Shaojiang Deng, announced a resolution of their recent dispute with FibroGen, Inc. regarding Kind Pharmaceuticals' hypoxia-inducible factor prolyl hydroxylase inhibitor (HIF- PHI) technology. The parties have agreed to withdraw all pending legal proceedings between them regarding this HIF-PHI technology, without payment by either party.

HIF-PHIs are a class of compounds that can be used to treat anemia. Kind Pharmaceuticals' HIF-PHI drug candidate, AND017, is currently being studied in a clinical trial for the treatment of anemia in chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients. As a result of the settlement, Kind Pharmaceuticals remains free to develop AND017 and other HIF-PHIs in its pipeline. Dr. Liu, Chief Executive Officer of Kind, commented: "Kind is pleased that these disputes have been fully and finally resolved. With these disputes behind us, Kind can now focus on advancing its innovative pipeline of products to the market."

Contact: Dong Liu, liudong@kindpharmaceutical.com 

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