
Siam Paragon and renowned pop artist Philip Colbert celebrate Thai New Year with vibrant 'Songkran Lobster Wonderland'


BANGKOK, April 14, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Siam Paragon, a 'World-class shopping destination' and a top-of-mind destination for Thais and visitors from across the globe, is teaming up with KASIKORNBANK to host world-class Songkran summer happenings "Siam Paragon Ultrasonic Water Festival 2024, Songkran Lobster Wonderland by Philip Colbert.' 

Philip Colbert, world-renowned London-based pop artist, and his first showcase in Bangkok 『Songkran Lobster Wonderland, an exclusive collaboration with Siam Paragon to celebrate Thai New Year.
Philip Colbert, world-renowned London-based pop artist, and his first showcase in Bangkok 『Songkran Lobster Wonderland, an exclusive collaboration with Siam Paragon to celebrate Thai New Year.

The event features iconic art installation by world-renowned London-based pop artist Philip Colbert, often referred to as the 'Godson of Andy Warhol.' This exclusive collaboration with Siam Paragon and Colbert's first showcase in Thailand is taking over Parc Paragon, Siam Paragon, Bangkok from April 9 - 16, 2024. Part of Colbert's works will also be on display until June 2024.

Thanaporn Tantiyanon, Head of Business Unit, Siam Paragon, said "Siam Paragon is committed to deliver unparalleled experiences. Siam Paragon, is a 'global destination' and one of the top-of-mind landmark that attracts over 150,000 to 200,000 locals and tourists a day. This Thai New Year, we highlight the exclusive collaboration of Siam Paragon and world's prominent Pop artist Philip Colbert. The iconic British artist is globally-recognized for his inventive Pop Art creations as well as his eclectic signature style and the use of vibrant colors. His iconic character - the playful giant red "The Lobster," has been showcased in worldwide ranging from paintings and sculptures to fashion merchandises. He has been recognized as an iconic figure in the global pop art scene. And we are thrilled to work with him on this project."

Colbert's new playful and vibrant art pieces are exclusively designed for Siam Paragon, inspired by Thailand's vivacious Songkran water festival. This colorful hyper pop playground showcases numerous life-size Lobster with a Thai touch, like Lobster riding elephants or playing with water pistols as well as giant inflatable Lobster wearing octopus costume and a huge red Lobster in a life ring.

Featured also for this Songkran festivity are a concert series packed with over a hundred famous performers.  There are also various cultural activities ranging from a showcase of ancient Buddha images from the National Museum Bangkok. Visitor can also engage in demonstrations of traditional Thai art and crafts such as aromatic water, flower garlands and Thai dessert. Songkran photo exhibition is also on display plus the performance of leading contemporary Morlam bands. 

The event is supported by the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT), the Ministry of CultureJOOX and TikTok.

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