
Wanglaoji Accelerates International Market Expansion by Launching the International Brand Identity WALOVI in the United States


GUANGZHOU, China, April 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- On April 8th, Wanglaoji unveiled its international English brand identity WALOVI in Los Angeles, United States. On April 10th, Wanglaoji opened its second herbal tea museum in New York — the Fifth Avenue Museum — with a grand opening ceremony, marking another solid step in the brand's global development.


Founded in 1828, Wanglaoji stands as a leading brand in the Chinese herbal tea market, unwavering in meeting consumer health needs as its guiding principle. The company has bolstered its core herbal tea operations, developing a distinctive line of health-focused plant beverages. Through an extensive product portfolio, it caters to the varied demands of a global customer base. Nowadays, Wanglaoji has achieved international recognition as the No. 1 natural plant drink brand in the world.

In the process of accelerating its international branding strategy, Wanglaoji has released WALOVI, its international English brand identity, which has made appearances in Milan and Thailand this year. Wanglaoji plans to establish 56 herbal tea museums worldwide to share the story of Chinese herbal tea with the world. The first overseas herbal tea museum was inaugurated in 2018 on Grand Street in New York, opening an important "window" for cultural exchange. This year, the herbal tea museum signing ceremonies were held successively in Milan and Bangkok.

Over the years, Wanglaoji's sales network has covered more than 150 countries and regions, achieving commendable results in markets in North America, Australia, Europe, and Southeast Asia. The North American market is a key overseas market for Wanglaoji, with annual sales increasing significantly since it started exporting in 2013. Now, Wanglaoji has officially entered mainstream channels and chain supermarkets, such as Costco and H Mart, and its e-commerce operations have expanded into platforms like Amazon, Yamibuy, and Wee.

Weng Shaoquan, Chairman of Guangzhou Wanglaoji Great Health Industry Co., Ltd., stated, "China's Wanglaoji is also the world's WALOVI! We believe that Wanglaoji will establish even closer connections and interactions with American and global consumers, invigorating the international market with vitality, and making more international consumers fall in love with natural plant beverages from China."

Moving forward, Wanglaoji will continue to roll out its English brand identity and construct herbal tea museums globally, deeply cultivating the international market, promoting the culture of herbal tea to the world, and establishing itself as a global super beverage brand.

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