
HIX.AI Launches HIX Tutor: The Ultimate AI Homework Helper


SINGAPORE, May 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- HIX.AI, an all-in-one AI writing copilot has officially launched HIX Tutor, a powerful AI homework helper that provides step-by-step solutions to homework problems and exam questions. The homework AI tool is designed to help with all subjects including math, physics, chemistry, history, literature, and foreign languages, just to name a few.

The platform is powered by the latest GPT models but is tailored to offer far more enhanced functionality than even ChatGPT and GPT-4. HIX Tutor allows users to upload images for easier problem solving. Simply take a picture containing the question or equation and using advanced analysis, the tool will scan it to produce an accurate, detailed solution in mere seconds.

There is also a built-in math AI calculator that enables users to solve a wide range of mathematical equations in a flash. From basic arithmetic to advanced calculus, the keyboard offers all the necessary formulaic inputs one needs to get accurate answers.

HIX Tutor also offers AI Tutor, an AI chatbot to further enhance your learning experience. It provides quick answers to any homework questions you ask or upload, offering interactive study assistance for any subject in any grade level.

With HIX Tutor, students not only arrive at correct answers but also understand the underlying principles. According to Camille Sawyer, CEO of HIX.AI, "HIX Tutor is made to be the ultimate study aid that guides any user along their academic journey. For this reason, it is trained to deliver precise answers and step-by-step explanations to help students better understand their schoolwork."

HIX Tutor can help students better prepare for exams. They can get clear clarifications on difficult concepts or practice questions from their textbooks. It improves students' understanding of their study material, whether they are in high school, college, or post-graduate studies.

In addition, this homework AI tool also has an extensive knowledge base of free study resources that cover different subdisciplines within science, math, and humanities, enabling users to get expert answers to commonly asked homework questions for algebra, astronomy, and so much more.

Camille Sawyer went on to add, "With broad accessibility in mind, we've ensured that HIX Tutor is user-friendly enough to accommodate anyone that needs reliable homework assistance at any time." Since HIX Tutor is also free to use, this makes it a viable homework AI option for budget-limited users looking for an affordable and effective homework solution.

For more information, please visit: https://tutor.hix.ai 

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