
Frost & Sullivan and SOCAP Forge Strategic Partnership to Elevate Customer Care and Experience


SAN JOSE, Calif., May 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Frost & Sullivan, a pioneer in growth strategy consulting and research, together with the Society of Consumer Affairs Professionals (SOCAP), the leading association for customer care professionals, are excited to announce their new strategic partnership, beginning May 15. This collaboration unites two powerhouses with a shared vision to significantly enhance the value of content, networking opportunities, and professional growth for their members and participants.

SOCAP and Frost & Sullivan Partnership
SOCAP and Frost & Sullivan Partnership

The partnership promises to integrate the unique thought leadership and resources of both organizations, providing an expansive platform for research, participation in more events, and a vastly enhanced network of professional connections. Members can expect broader access to innovative solutions and best practices in customer experience (CX), leveraging the combined strengths of Frost & Sullivan's analytical depth and SOCAP's extensive community engagement.

"This partnership is a strategic synergy of knowledge and networks," said Gary Robbins, Senior Partner, Frost & Sullivan. "It is designed to empower professionals at all levels of customer engagement and support, enhancing their capabilities to drive growth and transformation in their organizations."

Suzanne Durkin, SOCAP Executive Director, said, "Joining forces with Frost & Sullivan opens new opportunities for our members to advance in the customer care field. We are excited to bring together the best in industry knowledge and community-driven insights to foster an unparalleled exchange of expertise."

About Frost & Sullivan
Frost & Sullivan has 60+ years of helping clients survive and thrive through strategic transformations, offering Growth Advisory, Growth Analytics, Leadership Councils, and events. Its Customer Engagement Leadership Council is a member-driven platform empowering senior executives from leading brands to nurture meaningful connections throughout the year, determine their shared challenges and shape the future of the industry. 2024 marks the 20th Anniversary of its flagship bi-annual event: Customer Contact: A Frost & Sullivan Executive MindXchange. For more information, visit frost.com/cal, or contact Adam Geiger, National Sales Director, Events, Frost & Sullivan: adam.geiger@frost.com, 305.450.1099

Established in 1973, SOCAP is a community of top-tier customer care professionals from across industries. As the oldest member-driven Customer Experience (CX) association, SOCAP facilitates collaboration, knowledge sharing, and learning among CX specialists and their solution providers. Committed to enhancing CX at all business levels, SOCAP embodies a collaborative and dynamic environment for professional growth in customer care.

For more information, visit socap.org, or contact: Sage Johnson, Director of Marketing, Society of Consumer Affairs Professionals (SOCAP), marketing@socap.org, 703.519.3700.


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