
Hevo Data Joins Snowflake Partner Connect on the Data Cloud


SAN FRANCISCO, May 14, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Hevo Data, a leading ELT platform, today announced their inclusion on Snowflake Partner Connect on the Snowflake Data Cloud. This launch allows Snowflake users to directly access Hevo Data within the Snowflake platform, streamlining the data engineering process for joint customers and boosting the performance of analytics teams.

"With Snowflake Partner Connect, we're staying true to our goal of enabling data-driven decisions for businesses," said Manish Jethani, co-founder and CEO of Hevo Data. "We hope to increase accessibility and streamline the Modern Data Stack for our joint customers, bringing a new paradigm of smoother data processes within organizations." 

Data teams often struggle to reliably integrate siloed data, sometimes requiring months of effort to setup and maintain ETL pipelines. Hevo Data's flexible, easy-to-use platform enables data teams to automate data integration at scale. By leveraging the Snowflake Data Cloud, Hevo Data is joining Snowflake in mobilizing the world's data and helping organizations to unlock higher levels of analytics, data science and data-driven decision-making. 

"Today's announcement further illustrates Hevo Data's commitment to helping Snowflake mobilize the world's data," said Tarik Dwiek, Head of Technology Alliances at Snowflake. "By bringing Hevo Data's ELT platform into the Snowflake Data Cloud we're continuing to enable reliable, flexible data movement through Snowflake's single, integrated platform for our ecosystem."

By being featured on Snowflake Partner Connect, Hevo Data will enable joint customers to access seamless connectivity between the two platforms, building upon the already synchronous relationship between the two. For example, Deliverr by Flexport was able to save 2 man-weeks per month and improve query latency by 25-40% by switching to a combination of Hevo and Snowflake.

"Hevo helps us centralize our data on Snowflake and effectively use it for reporting. Deliverr's product and engineering teams manage their own set of microservices, and each team creates Hevo pipelines on its own without needing help from data engineers or DevOps," said Emmet Murphy, Staff Software Engineer at Deliverr.

About Hevo Data: Hevo Data is an intuitive data pipeline platform that data teams across 40+ countries rely on to fuel data-driven decisions. Hevo Data helps them reliably and effortlessly sync data from 150+ SaaS apps and other data sources to any cloud warehouse or data lake and turn it analytics-ready through models and workflows. Learn more about Hevo Data here: www.hevodata.com

Logo - https://mma.prnasia.com/media2/2410440/Hevo_Data_Logo.jpg?p=medium600

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