
International Chamber of Sustainable Development (ICSD) Launches CEPAR® 5-step Methodology to assist Enterprises in Addressing the ESG Challenges


ICSD establishes Chapter in Geneva, Switzerland
Certified ESG Planner Course First-ever Expands to the Greater Bay Area

HONG KONG, May 14, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) has become a global hot topic in recent years. Integrating ESG into business strategies and operational policies has become crucial for corporate success. To promote and professionalise ESG education and enhance individuals' and enterprises' recognition and awareness of sustainable development ideology, the International Chamber of Sustainable Development (ICSD) launched the first certified ESG Planner CEP® course in Hong Kong. The CEPAR® five-step methodology featured in the course was published in the international academic journal Public Administration and Policy: An Asia-Pacific Journal (PAP) in the United Kingdom in May, marking its official global reach.

In addition, ICSD persistently strives for innovation, advancing toward the international stage by establishing a chapter in Geneva, Switzerland, in May. Furthermore, the CEP® course will expand to mainland China for the first time in September, making the course available for individuals in the Greater Bay Area.

CEPAR® Five-Step Methodology Practical solutions for addressing ESG issues within enterprises

The CEP® course adopts ICSD's pioneering CEPAR® five-step methodology, which consists Challenge, Evaluation, Planning, Action and Review, as it framework. It integrates ESG knowledge and market tools in training students to become certified ESG planners. By applying CEPAR®, these professionals are equipped to assist enterprises in addressing pressing environmental, social, and governance issues and promote sustainable development. CEPAR® has also been published in the international journal Public Administration and Policy (PAP), which further solidified its global recognition. This publication serves as strong evidence of CEPAR®'s academic value and practical applicability, firmly establishing it as a crucial guiding principle for ESG planning and action.

Dr Angus YIP, the Founding Chairman of the International Chamber of Sustainable Development (ICSD), said the importance of cultivating certified ESG planners with professional knowledge and skills in the process of promoting sustainable development. Various ESG courses in the current market lack practical and concise methods for addressing practical ESG issues, and CEPAR® can fill this gap. With its wide recognition within the academic community, CEPAR® further validates its value and global influence. He believes that students will be able to apply CEPAR® within enterprises, integrating sustainable development concepts into business strategies and operational policies, and driving positive societal and environmental transformations. More details: https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/PAP-03-2024-0037/full/html

ICSD establishes Chapter in Geneva, Switzerland Facilitating international ESG knowledge exchange

To facilitate international ESG knowledge sharing and collaboration among ICSD members, ICSD has established a chapter at the Centre for Socio-Eco-Nomic Development (CSEND) in Geneva, Switzerland. CSEND holds special consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). Annually, the ICSD Geneva Chapter will exclusively organise two Free CPD webinars (ESG and sustainability-related) for its members, aiming to leverage the advanced practices of ESG and sustainability in Europe to benefit our members.

CSEND's co-founders, Prof. Raymond Saner and Prof. Lichia Yiu, stated that CSEND is committed to promoting inclusive and sustainable socio-economic growth. CSEND firmly believes that international cooperation and knowledge sharing are key to effectively addressing the global challenges. The establishment of an ICSD chapter at CSEND showcases the strength of cross-border collaboration and the shared mission of pursuing sustainable development. They hope the collaboration can nurture more ESG talents and collectively achieve sustainable development goals.

CUSCS expands Certified ESG Planner course to the Greater Bay Area in September

CUSCS will launch a new online ESG course in September this year, targeting individuals in the Greater Bay Area. The 'ESG Management' course covers content related to the Certified ESG Planner (CEP®). This aims to train more talents in the Greater Bay Area with specialised knowledge and skills in the field of ESG, enabling them to cope with the challenges faced by enterprises and governments in sustainable development areas and align them with national policies and carbon neutrality goals. This course is equipped with Chinese teaching materials and is conducted in Mandarin. Registration is now open on the CUSCS website: https://bit.ly/CUSCS_ESG .

Dr Mike HUI, the Founding Vice Chairman of the International Chamber of Sustainable Development (ICSD), emphasized ICSD's commitment to popularise ESG through education and drive international cooperation. In addition to the chapter established in the UK last year and the newly established chapter in Geneva, Switzerland, ICSD will also establish a chapter in Singapore in the second half of this year, focusing on promoting the CEP® course in Southeast Asia. Furthermore, ICSD is actively facilitating the launch of related educational courses in the Middle East.

The Certified ESG Planner (CEP®) course is now available in three major institutions, including the 'Sustainable Banking and Finance' by School of Continuing and Professional Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, the 'Executive Certificate in ESG Planning' by Hong Kong Management Association, and 'Executive Certificate in ESG Investment' by Lingnan University LIFE. Over the past two years, more than 3,000 individuals have completed the CEP® course, with the CEPAR® five-step methodology being a core component of the programs, please visit: https://www.icsd-global.org/

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